2008年12月30日 星期二
鉑金與白色K金的區別主要是看首飾上的印記,其中戒指會標在內圈,而項鏈則標在搭扣處。含鉑990‰以上鉑色首飾,一般打有“足鉑”印記。而 “P950”印記即表示是成色950‰的鉑金。白色K金要標明KK數。K就是指黃金含量,比如標有18K白、750G、750金、Au750字樣的都是表 示黃金含量為18K的白色K金。而鉑首飾的純度不用“K”表示。市場上銷售的白色K金、K白金首飾均不是鉑金首飾。大家在購買鉑金首飾時應要求經營者出具 發票,在發票上寫清楚是鉑金還是白色18K金,最好注明首飾的重量,這樣在出現欺詐情況時就比較容易索賠。
2008年12月24日 星期三
2008年12月24日 09:00:04 a.m. HKT, AAFN | |
引述《上海證券報》,中國石化協高層人士表示,由於國際油價下挫,令中海油集團的海上開採業務,在10月開始首次錄得虧損。 該人士指,海上開採成本為每桶65美元,而國際油價在10月份已跌穿60美元,故中海油集團海上開採業務已沒盈利能力, |
以上報導暫時作為參考, 因為未有實際數據去支持,
2008年12月23日 星期二
12月 - 聖誕節前夕切勿買貨
最後買賣時間: 12月15日至12月18日 (如果累積升幅不太高還可以最後一次買入)
最後賣出時間: 12月19日至12月22日 (可能最後衝刺升幅, 因此只能賣出, 不好買入)
耐心等待時間: 12月23日至12月24日 (如果前階段沒出貨, 在此兩日已經太遲, 因為24日都只有半日市, 而且市場應該已經下趺超過 600 - 1000 點左右) 只能寄望明年開市有升幅而退.
如果聖誕節前夕情況會更厲害, 由於已經接受年尾, 大部份投資者或基金經理都已經停手去進行休息及總結全年度所有投資上收益或損失,
一般開始股市真正開始大幅度調整時間在第一天假期前一星期左右, 大市會進入呆滯狀況, 不斷橫行, 到了前兩三天, 大市縱使沒任何特別壞消息, 都會因為以上提出理由而每一日下降幾百點左右趺幅, 持續幾日後, 到放假前, 應該有可能下降1000點左右趺幅, 因此縱使股價當時十分吸引, 都必須要小心有耐性地去等待時機, 切勿貪心或自欺欺人地覺得投價會有升幅, 重新一點, 大部份投資者已經停手沒入貨, 市場欠缺資金擁入, 只有單方面沽出股票, 除非突然有很大利好消息刺激, 否則縱使面對中國減低息率市場都唔會有很大支持.
2008年12月16日 星期二
什麼是遠期運費協議 - FFA
FFA是“Forward Freight Agreements”的縮寫,即“遠期運費協議”。不同的經紀公司對FFA有不同的定義,儘管解釋大不相同,但通俗來講,FFA是買賣雙方達成的一種遠期運費協議,協議規定了具體的航線、價格、數量等等,且雙方約定在未來某一時點,收取或支付依據波羅的海航交所的官方運費指數價格與合同約定價格的運費差額。從本質上說,它是一種運費風險管理工具。在期貨期權中的此類規避風險的方法叫套期保值。套期保值是期貨市場產生的原動力,無論是農產品期貨市場、還是金屬、能源期貨市場,其產生都是源於生產經營過程中面臨現貨價格劇烈波動而帶來風險時,自發形成的買賣遠期合同的交易行為。而運費套期保值,就是把運費作為一種商品,船東或貨主通過FFA市場為運營環節買了保險,保證其穩定運營的可持續發展。同樣,和所有的期貨期權產品相同,FFA是一種套利工具,而這點正是那些金融機構所看中的。
而2006年是一個分水嶺,無論是成交量還是參與度來說,都達到一個前所未有的水平。根據FFABA 2006年12月20日發佈的統計,2006年第三季度散貨和油輪FFA合約總共成交511105手,據此保守估計,全年成交不低於150萬手,交易金額超過1萬億美元。波羅的海交易所主席曾說“運費已經真正成為一種可供交易的商品”。2006年FFA市場最大的贏家是中國臺灣的TMT公司,由於其偏執地看多,給他帶來超過10億美元的利潤,而該公司的首席執行官Nobu也成為業界津津樂道的傳奇人物。作為一個“零和博弈”的賭場,自然有輸者。希臘船東DRYSHIPS、德國船東OLDENDORFF、南韓STXPANOCEAN等分別傳出在FFA市場巨虧的消息,加拿大船舶營運商北美輪船(NASL)由於在FFA虧損3000萬美元而宣告破產。
而FFA對現貨市場的影響也越來越大。去年TMT為了支持其在FFA的頭寸,將控制的10條好望角型船“曬太陽”,造成運力緊張,從而推高現貨的指數。運費的提高,間接地也為去年大宗商品價格的瘋長推波助燃。FFA重要性,以及所具有的風險管理和投機套利功能,也吸引越來越多的中國玩家。據不完全統計,目前總共有17家中國公司開始FFA交易,主要是一些航運商和貿易商。 2006年12月19日,由國內知名鐵礦石貿易商嘉鑫公司牽頭,首屆“大中華區FFA研討會”在北京東方君悅大酒店浮碧廳舉行,來自中國的15家公司共聚 一堂,討論了對家信用風險管理、市場風險管理等熱門話題。會上成立了“中國FFA協會”,並決定該會每半年舉行一次,下屆將由香港地區的昌運東富擔任輪值 主席。相信不久的將來,中國必將成為FFA市場重要的一支力量。
4. 金融公司:各種投資銀行、對沖基金、期貨公司等。比如高盛、摩根士丹利、法國興業銀行、澳大利亞麥格理銀行、美林證券等。
合約主要內容如下:買方:ABC公司,賣方:BCD公司,航線:2A 航線,合約月份:8月份,合同天數:90天,合同價:18000美元/天,結算期:合同月份最後7個BPI指數日,合同類型:FFABA,傭金:根據合同約定。
現假定運費在8月份真如貨主所擔心的大幅上漲,8月份日租金上漲到20000美元/天。該貨主在FFA市場獲取盈利為 (20000-18000)*60=120000美元。除支付少量手續費外,該部分收益用於彌補運費價格上漲的虧損,成功鎖定運費。如果該貨主在市場上什 麼都不操作,那麼該貨主將承受120000美元的虧損。
近年來,“中國因素”在國際乾散貨航運市場中非常惹眼,中國占據了世界乾散貨貿易增量的大部分份額,但是中國企業卻沒有從中得到什麼太大收益。 “中國占鐵礦石增量的80%”等一系列的經濟數據表明中國在世界乾散貨市場中的影響已經非常巨大,由於缺乏風險管理的 意識,在遠期運費市場中卻鮮有中國企業的參與,即便算上在第三國註冊的中國概念的公司,目前在FFA市場中的影響仍極其有限,與中國在現貨貿易中的巨大大 份額相比,中國在FFA的參與程度尚不足道也。目前我國只有少數5-6家中國概念的公司參與FFA交易,而且交易規模還都比較小。中國大多數貿易企業和生 產企業以及航運企業只能被動接受運費的上漲,最後只有中國消費者來買單。據英國FIS航運經紀公司估計目前參與交易的所有中國公司(含香港地區)的交易量 只占總交易量的5%。這與中國在國際乾散貨現貨市場上的地位並不相符,而國外船公司、運營商、貿易商參與FFA市場交易則已極為普遍。
- 1、通過在Clarkson證券有限公司的FFA經紀人查詢價格
- 2、交易雙方進行FFA談判
- 3、是否結清?
- 4、如果沒有,讓合同對方結清
- 5、FFABA合同格式
- 6、如果OTC(在櫃臺上,即不通過航交所的交易)沒有結清:經紀人結算建議/發票/財政追蹤
- 1、結算價格為由波羅的海航交所在每個結算期公佈的合同航線平均價格
- 2、結算期是進行6條期租航線平均價格交易時整個月中所有指數的平均值或者在就某單獨航線交易時過去7天平均價格結算日為合同月中最後一期波羅的海航交所發佈之日
- 3、結算金額等於固定價格與浮動價格之間的差乘以合同數量
- 4、結算金額應在結算日支付,必須在結算日後五日內收到
- 1、減少受運費易變性對公司的影響
- 2、投機/套利交易
- 3、浮動價格對沖
- 4、固定價格對沖
- 5、可以匿名進行交易
- 6、因不涉及實物運輸,所以沒有物流和汙染的煩惱
- 1、合同對方因為清算/破產而不履行合同
- 2、合同對方要求提前終止合同
- 3、遲付款
- 4、客戶/經紀人交易中出錯
眾所周知FFA的高盈利和風險性,隨著中國參與企業的增多,中國企業如何面對FFA投機的誘惑,如何提高自身的風險意識和應對風險管理 能力將顯得越發重要,在缺少相關法律監管的背景下,如果企業自身對風險控制意識不足,或對遊戲規則一知半解,都隱藏著很大風險,可以預期的是未來參與的公 司將會更多,中國企業亟需提高風險管理能力。
2008年12月9日 星期二
Automatic Gain Control. When enabled, the camera's sensitivity is automatically increased when the level of ambient light drops.
The aperture of a lens controls the amount of light which can reach the pickup device (image sensor when relating to video). The size is controlled by the iris adjustment. By increasing the F-number (F1.2, F1.8, etc), less light will be permitted into the sensor.
Auto-tracking White Balance. This is a white balance feature that accepts many types of lighting conditions by using an automatic tracking system that automatically controls the color temperature range from 2,400K to 10,000K. ATW mode ensures reliable color reproduction when lighting conditions change frequently.
Auto Iris
Automatic method of varying the size of the lens aperture in response to changes in light.
Preset White Balance. AWC is suitable where a lot of white objects appear in the scene. Also it is suitable for situations where the object merges into the scene with a similar color shade.
Backlight Compensation
A feature that compensates for bright backgrounds so foreground objects aren't silhouetted.
Bayonet Nut Connection. Also known as several other names. A connector for coaxial cable that is used in video connections and RG58 connections. The connector has a bayonet-type shell with two small knobs on the female connector which lock into spiral slots in the male connector when twisted on. BNC connections are easily adapted to RCA style jacks and plugs.
High speed transmission. Allows for a wide band of frequencies on a single link. Different channels or frequencies within the band can send information concurrently, allowing more information to be transmitted within a short period of time. This allows for access to voice, data, and video all at the same time. DSL and cable TV providers are considered suppliers of downstream broadband.
Charged Coupled Device. A sensor that collects light and turns it into an electrical signal. As compared to CMOS sensors, it has greater sensitivity to light, better tonal range, and less noise which provides superior quality. CCD will hold onto the high-end CCTV market for some time to come.
CCD Format
The active imaging area of a CCD sensor, measured corner to corner.
Closed-Circuit Television
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor. A semiconductor fabrication technology that achieves low power dissipation. These types of devices are used in digital camera imaging sensors and consume less energy than other imaging devices, are inexpensive, but provide lower image quality compared to CCD sensors.
Coaxial Cable
The type of cable most commonly used to transmit video.
Compression Techniques
There are several standardized formats for compressing video data. First off, video data needs to be compressed due the enormous amount of data being collected to replicate visual detail and motion. Two fundamental concepts to realize when deciding which video compression technique best suits your needs includes storage consumption and video quality. The most common video compression formats are MJPEG, MPEG-2 (DVD standard), MPEG-4, and Wavelet.
Dynamic Domain Name System. Allows for a dynamic or constantly changing IP address to be assigned to a networked device while allowing the associated domain name for that device to remain unchanged. The device in many cases is a server that provides information to clients. While an IP address must be assigned to the server, an optional domain name can be used to identify the device. For example, www.bluenetvideo.com is a server whose IP address is If that IP address changes, DDNS will correctly map the new IP address to www.bluenetvideo.com.
Digital Video Multiplexing Recorder. A recorder that gathers and compresses video in a digital format to be saved on a hard drive. A DVMR is much different than a DVR. The DVMR is actually a multiplexing recorder, recording each individual channel in full screen to allow the best possible playback quality. Do to the advances in digital imaging, DVR's and DVMR's have come a long way and are quickly replacing VHS systems.
Digital Recording
Technology that enables images from a camera to be stored on a hard drive. A digital recorder provides clearer images than videotape and faster access to them.
Electronic Shutter
A camera feature that compensates for changes in light conditions, from bright sunlight to dim indoor lighting.
A local area network protocol that operates at OSI layer 2. This protocol is responsible for host to host communication and provides a method of media access for multiple computers to share. In older applications, the shared medium is a coaxial cable (RG8 or RG58 equivalent). Today, we find most applications to utilize a unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cable for connections rather than coaxial. There are several revised additions to the original standard, each describing a method of sharing a single medium with multiple devices. Each standards also specifies the speed at which data can be transferred. For instance, the 10baseT Ethernet cable standard specifies 10Mbit/sec data transfer over twisted pair cable that will not allow a device to transmit and receive data simultaneously. 100baseTX (Fast Ethernet) allows data to be sent and receive simultaneously providing faster data transmission at 100Mbit/sec over twisted pair cable.
Field of View (FOV)
The image area produced by any camera and lens combination (See focal length ) .
Focal Length
The distance from the center of the lens to the point where it focuses light. The combination of focal length and CCD format determines a camera's field of view. The shorter the focal length, the wider the field of view.
A unit of illuminates, incident light, or illumination equal to 1 lumen per square foot. This is the illuminants provided by a light source of one candle at a distance of 1 foot, hence the name.
Gain is an increase or decrease in the strength of an electrical signal.
A unit measuring the intensity of light. The light of a full moon is about 0.1 lux, while bright sunlight is about 100,000 lux. Basically, the lower the rating the better the camera performs at night. 1.0 lux in video means light level of a candle light. l Lux approximately equals to 10 foot-candles (1 Lux = 10.764 fc).
Motion Joint Photographic Experts Group. A compression technique for moving images which applies JPEG still image compression to each frame of a moving picture sequence. Playback requires a machine capable of decompressing and displaying each JPEG image quickly enough to sustain the required frame rate of the picture sequence. M-JPEG offers the highest resolution during playback, but is the least efficient in storage.
Multiplexor (Mux)
A device that accepts video signals from a number of cameras and encodes them into one signal that is recorded on a digital recorder or VCR. The multiplexor also decodes the recording, so it can play back motion video from one camera at a time or several cameras all at once to one monitor. Many multiplexors also display several camera views at a time on a monitor while sending images to a recorder.
Electrical energy or interference that appears on the screen as a grainy picture or "snow".
National Television Standards Council. A video format standard used in North America, Japan, and parts of South America.
Phase Alternating Current. A video format standard used in Europe, Australia, China, etc.
Passive infrared. A motion detector that senses body heat to detect motion.
Pan Tilt Zoom. You will find some video cameras that allow these functions with a series of motors and special housings. Sometimes, you will find units that provide pan and tilt movements only.
A measure of the ability of the camera or monitor to reproduce detail. The higher the resolution the clearer the image.
Reduced Instruction Set Computer. Processors whose design is based on RISC provide a rapid execution of a sequence of simple instructions rather than on the provision of a large variety of complex instructions. This provides for faster decoding and simple addressing modes where more complex modes are replaced by sequences of simple arithmetic instructions.
A serial connector that looks very similar to a standard telephone connector, except that it houses eight wires instead of four.
A device that switches views from several cameras to one or more monitors.
S/N (signal-to-noise) Ratio
The ratio between useful video signal and unwanted noise. The higher the number, the better the image quality.
Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol. This two-layer protocol suite is the foundation for communication on the Internet. Any computer or device that wants to communicate over the Internet must use the TCP/IP protocol stack. TCP provides reliable delivery of information with the ability to correct errors during transmission as well as provide a variety of other reliable features to ensure proper data transfer. IP provides the logical addressing system for any device on a network, ensuring that each unit is identified so communication can take place. Being connectionless, IP treats each individual packet (chunk of data) as a single unit, providing source and destination addresses so each networked device that receives that packet can determine where the packet originated and where it is destined to go. IP does not care whether the information got there or how it got there, that is why TCP and IP must work together. Usually uses a client/server architecture where one device (the client) requests information from another device that supplies the wanted information (the server).
Twisted Pair
A cable composed of two small, insulated conductors twisted together. Since both wires have nearly equal exposure to any interference, unwanted noise is substantially reduced.
Varifocal Lens
A lens that can be manually adjusted for the desired magnification and field of view.
A process used in video cameras to retain true colors.
2008年12月5日 星期五
Software Web Site: http://www.explorerxp.com/index.html#download
File Location: V:\Program Files\PortableApps\ExplorerXP
Comment: 絕對超正軟件, 由於好多時候都要開幾個folder,轉來轉去都好麻煩, 另外如果開太多, 後期既folder會重疊在一齊, 好難去選擇, 依個software可以做到用tab去選擇方便好多, 而且可以睇到folder file size, 唔洗次次入去睇, 超正 !!!
Bad: 暫時搵到以下問題
- 右CLICK MOUSE 開唔到新文件,
- 做完每一個動作都無即時更新, 要人手按F5 先可以.
1. Turn off Windows Search Indexing 1 。 關閉Windows搜索索引
Windows Vista search indexing is constantly reviewing files on your system to make their contents available for quick searching. Windows Vista的搜索索引是不斷檢討您系統中的文件,使它們的內容,供快速搜索。 This is handy, but can severely impact system performance.這是得心應手,但可以嚴重影響系統的性能。
To disable constant indexing:禁用不斷索引:
* Click Start then Computer *單擊開始,然後電腦
* Right Click the C: Drive *右擊C :驅動器
* On General Tab, Uncheck Index this drive for faster searching *在常規選項卡,取消勾選指數這個驅動器,搜索速度更快
* On the subsequent dialog box, Select Include subfolders and files *在隨後的對話框中,選擇包括子文件夾和文件
2. Turn off Remote Differential Compression 2 。 關閉遠程微分壓縮
Remote Differential Compression measures the changes in files over a network to transfer them with minimal bandwidth rather than transferring an entire file that has previously been moved.遠程微分壓縮措施的變化,檔案,網絡將他們轉移與最小帶寬,而不是轉移整個檔案,先前已被轉移。 By constantly checking for file changes, this service can hinder system performance.通過不斷檢查檔案的變化,這項服務可以阻礙系統性能。
To disable this service:要禁用此服務:
* Open Control Panel *打開控制面板
* Switch to Classic View *切換到經典視圖
* Select Program Features *選擇程式功能
* Choose Turn Windows features on and off *選擇把Windows功能和關閉
* Scroll down and uncheck Remote Differential Compression *向下滾動,並取消勾選遠程微分壓縮
3. Turn off Automatic Windows Defender Operation 3 。 關閉自動運行的Windows Defender
Windows Defender real-time protection against malware continues to run despite having Automatic operation disabled. Windows Defender的實時保護對惡意軟件繼續運行,儘管有自動操作禁用。
To disable this feature:要禁用此功能:
* Open Control Panel *打開控制面板
* Select Windows Defender *選擇的Windows Defender
* Choose Tools from the top menu *選擇工具,從頂部的菜單
* Select Options *選擇操作
* Uncheck Auto Start at the bottom of the window *取消自動啟動,在窗口底部的
4. Turn off Automatic Disk Defragmentation 4 。 關閉自動磁盤碎片整理
Windows Vista and its always-on defragment feature isn’t really that necessary and can cause system slow down. Windows Vista和其始終對碎片整理功能isnâ € ™噸真的必要和可能導致系統的放緩。 Just remember to run a defrag manually every week or so.不過,別忘了運行碎片整理手動每星期或如此。
To disable this:要禁用此:
* Click Start then Computer *單擊開始,然後電腦
* Right Click the C: Drive *右擊C :驅動器
* Select the Tools Tab *選擇工具標籤
* Uncheck Run on a schedule *取消運行於附表
5. Add a 2GB or higher USB Flash drive to take advantage of Windows Ready Boost (Additional Memory Cache) 5 。 添加一個2GB或更高的USB閃存驅動器,以利用的Windows準備增加(額外的記憶體快取記憶體)
Ready Boost is Microsoft’s name for using a USB thumb/flash drive to provide some quick access memory the operating system can use as extra RAM.準備增加是microsoftâ € ™姓名為使用USB拇指/閃存驅動器提供一些快速存取記憶體作業系統可以使用額外的RAM 。 The Ready Boost system can significantly improve system performance.隨時提高系統可顯著改善系統性能。
To set this up:要設置此:
* Insert a USB Flash Drive *插入USB閃存驅動器
* Click Start then Computer *單擊開始,然後電腦
* Right Click the USB Drive in My Computer *按一下滑鼠右鍵, USB驅動器在我的電腦
* Select the Ready Boost Tab *選擇,隨時增加標籤
* Choose Use this device *選擇使用這個裝置
* Select as much space as you can free up for RAM usage vs. Storage *選擇多空間,您可以免費為RAM的使用與儲存
6. Turn off Windows Hibernation 6 。 關閉Windows休眠狀態
Windows hibernation background services can use a large amount of system resources.休眠狀態的Windows後台服務可以使用了大量的系統資源。 If you don’t use the Hibernate feature on a regular basis you may want to disable it to give Vista a performance boost.如果您donâ € ™噸使用休眠功能上定期的基礎上,您可能需要禁用它,讓Vista的增強效能。
To disable Hibernation:要禁用休眠狀態:
* Select the Control Panel then Power Options *選擇控制面板,然後電源選項
* Click Change Plan Settings *單擊更改計劃設置
* Click on Change Advanced Power Settings *點擊改變先進的電源設置
* Expand the Sleep selection *擴大睡眠的選擇
* Expand the Hibernate After selection *擴大休眠後的選擇
* Crank the selector down to zero *曲柄該選擇下降至零
* Click Apply *點擊申請
7. Turn off System Restore 7 。 關閉系統還原
Analysis and restore point creation by Windows Vista can eat a fair amount of system resources.分析和還原點創建由Windows Vista可以吃相當數量的系統資源。 Disabling this service will obviously mean the system restore feature in Vista will not be available in the event of a system crash.禁用此服務將顯然是指系統還原功能在Vista將無法使用,在發生系統崩潰。 Change this at your own risk.改變這種需要您自擔風險。
To disable this service:要禁用此服務:
* Control Panel>System *控制面板“ >系統
* Click System Protection on the left panel *點擊系統保護的左側面板
* Uncheck the main system drive *取消主要的系統驅動器
* Agree to the confirmation *同意確認
8. Disable User Access Control (UAC) 8 。 禁用用戶的訪問權限控制( UAC )
This much-loathed new Vista feature attempts to protect your system from malware infection by making you manually confirm a whole host of everyday user operations.這非常loathed新的Vista功能試圖保護您的系統從惡意軟件感染,使您以手動方式確認整個主機用戶的日常業務。 While it doesn’t directly impact performance, it can be annoying and might be more hassle than good.雖然doesnâ € ™噸,直接衝擊性能,可以和惱人的可能更麻煩多於利。
To disable User Access Control:要禁用用戶訪問控制:
* Click Start then Control Panel *單擊開始,然後控制面板
* Select User Accounts *選擇用戶帳戶
* Select Turn User Account Control on or off *選擇把用戶帳戶控制開或關
* Uncheck User Account Control Box *取消用戶帳戶控制箱
* Restart as recommended *重新啟動的建議
9. Disable excess Windows Services that Auto-Launch at Startup 9 。 禁用過剩的Windows服務自動啟動在啟動
Just like Windows XP, Vista ships with all kinds of services enabled that load at startup and may never be used by most users.就像是Windows XP , Vista的船舶所有種類的服務,使加載在啟動和可能永遠不會使用的大多數用戶。
To see what loads at startup and disable the ones you likely won’t be needing (they can always be started manually later):看看有什麼負載在啟動時,並停用你可能wonâ € ™噸被需要(他們總是可以開始手動更新) :
* Click Start then Control Panel *單擊開始,然後控制面板
* Select Administrative Tools *選擇管理工具
* Choose System Configuration *選擇系統配置
* Click the Services Tab *單擊服務選項卡
* You can safely deselect: *您可以放心地取消:
o Offline Files (unless you’re using Offline File Sync) o脫機文件(除非youâ € ™重新使用脫機文件同步) ;
o Tablet PC Input Service (unless you have a tablet PC) o Tablet PC輸入服務(除非你有一台Tablet PC )
o Terminal Services O終端服務
o Windows Search (If you have already disabled indexing) o Windows搜索(如果您已經殘疾人索引)
o Fax (unless you’re using a fax modem) o傳真(除非youâ € ™重新使用傳真調製解調器)
10. Disable Excess Windows Features 10 。 禁用過剩的Windows功能
Windows ships with other features that are listed separately in the Vista operating system from the startup services.在Windows船舶與其他功能是單獨列出,在Vista作業系統從啟動服務。
You can view and disable these features by:您可以查看並禁用這些功能:
* Clicking Start then Control Panel *單擊開始,然後控制面板
* Select Program Features *選擇程式功能
* On the left panel, select Turn Windows Features on or off *在左側面板中,選擇把Windows功能開或關
* You can safely deselect: *您可以放心地取消:
o Indexing Service o索引服務
o Remote Differential Compression o遠程微分壓縮
o Tablet PC Optional Components o Tablet PC的可選組件
o Windows DFS Replication Service o在Windows的DFS複製服務
o Windows Fax & Scan (unless you use a modem for faxing) o Windows傳真和掃描(除非您使用調製解調器傳真)
o Windows Meeting Space (unless you use the Live Meeting Service) o Windows會議空間(除非您使用Live Meeting服務)
To disable Auto Tuning and speed up the copy process and avoid timeouts and disconnects do the following:
Open a command prompt and type the following: netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled
To turn it on again: netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal
2008年12月2日 星期二
Software Web Site: http://www.sandboxie.com
File Location: V:\Software\Security
Comment: 如果用依個 software 開上網軟件, 就可以作一個過濾, 如果萬一有木馬/入侵, 依個軟件都可以知道, 聽聞要上咸網都唔洗驚有事, 不過測試時候未有機會去.
Software Web Site: http://www.runscanner.net/
File Location: V:\Software\Security
Comment: 原意係想捉 Spyware/Adware, 但未有例子, 因為電腦太乾淨......但另一好處會將常註程序檢查一下有無問題, 如果有會紅色, fix 左佢就ok
2008年12月1日 星期一
EXtreme Power Supply Calculator
Software Web Site: http://www.extreme.outervision.com/psucalculatorlite.jsp
File Location: Online Mode
Comment: 可以立即知道自己電腦所需要電量, 買火牛都可以有一個預算, 雖然 Lite 版有一部份功能限制, 但重點係可以有好多基本數據可以參考, 絕對可取